Significance of the Reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

Significance of the Reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

Significance of the Reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq

Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughluq holds a specific place in the history of Medieval India. His reign is significant from several points of view. During his reign the direct rule of Delhi Sultanate was established in most of the South and it was the Zenith of his career from the point of view of territorial expansion. At the same time disintegration of the Sultanate began because of the Utopian schemes of the Sultan.

 None of the Sultans possessed so many virtues and merits as Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughluq did. Dr. Ishwari Prasad has remarked, “Muhammad-bin-Tughluq was unquestionably the ablest man among the crowned heads of the middle ages, of all kings who had sat upon the throne of Delhi since the Muhammadan conquest, he was, undoubtedly, the most accomplished and learned.” He encouraged literature, since and arts but in spite of his virtues his schemes failed.

The character and personality f the Sultan is so intricate that it has become very difficult to assess it properly. Scholars, therefore, are not unanimous in their views about his character and personality. Barani writes, “Muhammad is a man who above all others, is fond of making presents and shedding blood. There may always be seen at his gate, some poor persons becoming rich or some living one condemned to death. His generous and brave actions and his cruel and violent deeds have gained notoriety among the people. In spite of this, he is the most humble of men and the one who exhibits the greatest equity.

The study of his character gives specific significance to this period. At the same time his luck was strange. During his reign the country was so much wrecked by revolts, famines and epidemics as if some natural power was bent upon testing him and discarding all his plans. He intended to make several reforms for the good of the people but some of them were so new and revolutionary that the contemporary people failed to understand them, rather they acted against them.

The name of the Sultan spread for and wide in entire Asia due to his liberal policies. He gave ample money to the distressed, the needy and his favorites. At the same time he introduced severe punishments of barbarous nature. Secularism also reached its zenith during his reign and the influence of Ulema was minimized. Hence, the reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq was very significant as it had so many redeeming factors.


Milan Tomic

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