Babur Expedition to India

Babur Expedition to India

Babur Expedition to India
Babur Expedition to India

Babur was an ambitious person, so he could not be contented with his rule over the kingdom of Kabur for a long time. He failed to achieve great success in Central Asia, so he directed his attention to India. He had already heard the stories and wealth of India, and conquest of Kabul brought him close to Indian Territory. Hence he decided to invade India as and when an opportunity came his way. Before making an invasion against India Babur once again consolidated his army. Recruitment of Ustad Ali and Mustafa strengthened his artillery. Rushbrooke Williams has written, “If there was one single material factor which more than any other conduced to his ultimate triumph in Hindustan, it was his powerful artillery.”

Before the outbreak of the historic battle of Panipa and Khanua, Babur made five expeditions against India in order to establish his control over her frontiers.

First Expedition :- In A.D. 1519 Babur established his control over Bajaur. His powerful artillery played a significant role in the achievement of this victory. Although in order to set an ample Babur indulged in a wholesale massacre but when he invaded Bhera on the Jhelum, he acted with great restraint. Hindu Beg was appointed in-charge of Bhera but soon his authority was challenged by the natives of Bhera and he was expelled from there.

Second Expedition :- During his first expedition Babur tried to avoid war against Ibrahim Lodi of Delhi and Daulat Khan Lodi of Punjab and asked them to surrender but he failed in his mission. He again marched through the Khyber Pass in the same year in order to conquer the Yusafzai and to make the fort of Peshawar a base for future operations in India.  But he was recalled by disturbing news from Badakhshan which came into Babur’s possession in A.D. 1520.

Third Expedition :- In A.D. 1520 Babur proceeded to Sialkot. He subdued the recalcitrant Afghan tribes on the way and established his control over Sialkot without striking blow. The people Saiyidpur were also subdued. But Babur had to retreat hastily in order to fight against Shah Beg Arghon of kandhar. He could establish his control over Kandhar in A.D. 1522 after two unsuccessful efforts, as a result of the treachery of its Governor Maulana Abdul Baqi. Kamran, the second son of Babur was appointed in-charge of Kandhar and Shah Beg established himself in Sindh.

Fourth Expedition :- In A.D. 1524 Babur made the fourth expedition against India on the invitation of Daulat Khan Lodi, Governor of Punjab who wanted to dethrone Ibrahim Lodi in favour of his uncle Alam Khan. Ibrahim Lodi had summoned Daulat Khan toDelhi but he did not go there in person and sent his son Dilawar Khan, hence the relations between the two had become quite tense. Babur started from Kabul in A.D. 1524 and captured Lahore. In the meanwhile Daulat Khan was defeated by the royal forces and exiled but he helped Babur in occupying Dipalpur. It was handed over to Alam Khan. He expected to get back his lost territory; especially Punjab but Babur gave him Jallandhar and Sultanpur. It disappointed Daulat Khan Lodi very much. He tried to play false with babur and advised him the division of army into two parts but Babur was informed of the treacherous design of Daulat Khan in the nick of time by his ambitious son Dilawar Khan. Babur imprisoned Daulat khan but he was soon released. Daulat Khan was now offered Jallandhar only and Sultanpur was given to his son Dilawar Khan but Daulat Khan fled to the hills and did not take charge of Jallandhar. Before going back to Kabul, Babur stationed a small contingent at Lahore and Sialkot.

Just after the retreat of Babur, baulat Khan Lodi came back from the hills and conquered Sultanpur, Saikot and Dipalpur. Alam Khan Lodi fled away to Kabul on account of the sudden rise of Daulat Khan. Dilawar Khan apologized before his father. Ibrahim Lodi also failed to get success against Daulat khan Lodi but the contingent of Babur stationed at Lahore and Sialkot gained upper hand against Daulat khan Lodi.

Babur sent Alam Khan back to India for the support of the Mughal contingent but powerful Daulat Khan Lodi won him over. The two Khans marched on Delhi but they failed to achieve success in their mission and fled away from the battlefield.

Fifth Expedition :- In  A.D. 1525 Babur made the fifth invasion against India. As per his own version, he  had 12,000 soldiers with him.  Humayun also joined him with a contingent from badakshan. The number of babur’s soldiers increased all the more when the troops stationed at Lahore, Peshwar and Sialkot joined him. Daulat Khan and Dilawar Khan also gathered a vast contingent but their forces melted away at Babur’s mere approach. Daulat Khan Lodi finding no way out submitted before Babur and he was rebuked harshly by Babur. He was sent to Bhera for imprisonment but he breathed his last on the way. Babur established his control over a large part of Pubjab and the officials of Daulat Khan joined hands with him. Alam Khan continued to support Babur till the first battle of Panipat. Later on he fled away to Gujarat.

After devastating the Afghans and establishing his control over Punjab, Babur marched upon Delhi. The unsatisfied nobles of the court of Ibrahim Lodi also sent promises of secret assistance to him. It is also stated that Rana Sanga of Mewar also sent an invitation to him for a joint invasion of Deli. Babur was very much pleased to receive such invitations as it assured him of his success. Ibrahim Lodi had well realized that there was no way out except to wage war against the Mughals, so he sent Humid Khan, the Subedar of Hisar firoza, to check the enemy but he was defeated by Humayun on February 25, A.D. 1526 Babur felt great pleasure on this victory and conferred the district of Hisar Firoza on Humayun and he took this victory as a very good omen for further successes in India.


Milan Tomic

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