Islam Shah

  Islam Shah 

  Islam Shah / Successor of Sher Shah

Successor of Sher Shah
Emperor of Sur Dynasty
Region – A.D. 1545 to 1554
Father – Sher Shah

Islam Shah was the second son of Sher Shah who breathed his last in A.D. 1545, due to explosion of a shell during the siege of the fort of Kalinjar. The early name of Islam Shah was Jalal Khan. He was a well educated youth and was considered a good poet of Persian at the time of his succession. Before his accession to the throne, he had taken part in the battle of Chunargarh in A.D. 1531. He also checked the speed of Humayun in A.D. 1537 and played a prominent role in the siege of Gaur.

Abdulla, the author of Tarikh-i-Daudi, writes; “It is related in Akbar Shahi, that when Sher Shah rendered up his life to the angel of death in Kalinjar….The nobles perceived that Adil Khan (Sher Shah’s eldest son) would be unable to arrive with speed (from Ranthambhor), and as the state required a head, they deespatched a person to summon Jalal Khan who was nearer.”

The nobles of Sher Khan did not support the claim of Adil Shah, though he was nominated the future ruler by his father Sher Shah because he was ease loving and licentious whereas JalalKhan was industrious and efficient, hence he ascended the throne due to his personal virtues.

After his ascendancy first of all he murdered the Chandela ruler Kirat Singh along with his large number of supporters. He went to Agra after his accession and distributed cash salary to his soldiers in order to gain their favour and support. As a result of his unthoughtful acts several nobles were dissatisfied with him and they joined hands with Adil shah secretly. Islam Shah showing compassion towards his brother invited him but secretly he made a plan to murder him. But he failed his plan.

 Islam Shah was a successful ruler. He paid great attention to the development of the power and prestige of the emperor and prohibited the use of scarlet tents and elephants by the nobility. He declared it only the privilege of the Emperor to make use of such tents. He also snatched the dancers from them.

Like his predecessor, Islam Shah was an efficient administrator and a great disciplinarian. He did not tolerate disobedience from any quarter. He awarded stern punishments to all those who resorted to negligence of duties without difference of rank and position. His success largely depended on the effective maintenance of the spy system and dak chaukis.

Besides safeguarding the empire of his father for about nine years, he introduced some administrative changes in it. He issued detailed regulations for the maintenance of law and order. He did not care at all if orders violated the principles of Shariyat.

He not only developed the Sarais constructed by his father by providing a rest house, a mosque and a water-carrier in each but also constructed one Sarai between every two of his father’s time. He also makes arrangements for providing cooked and uncooked food to the travelers whether Hindu or Muslim.

In spite of all the qualities referred to above, he had certain defects in him. He was a poor judge of mankind and often expressed unwonted cruelty and vindictiveness in his behavior. The appointment of Mubariz Khan proves his inability in the selection of suitable persons. His successor had to suffer a lot due to his poor knowledge of selection.

He passed the last days of his life quite comfortably but suddenly e fell ill and breathed his last on 22nd November, A.D. 1554.


Milan Tomic

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