


The famous book Kitab-ur-Rehla was written by Ibn-i-Batuta. Among the travelers who visited India and wrote their memories, the name of Ibn-i-Batuta is quite noteworthy. His book Rehla throws ample light on the political and socio-cultural history of the contemporary period. Ibn-i-Batuta was born at Tangier in A.D. 1304. After receiving education and becoming expert in Islamic theology, he began the life-long tour of the world in 1325. Travelling through various countries of Africa and Arabian Peninsula, he reached Sindh in 1333 from where he moved on to Delhi. After about eight years he bade goodbye to Delhi and started on the journey to his motherland. He reached morocco in 1349 and was welcomed there with pomp and show. Under the patronage of the Sultan of Morocco, he wrote his book, Rehla. He was loved and honoured by his countrymen and died at the age of seventy-three.
 Rehla was originally written in Arabic. A. Mahdi Hussain translated it into English. It is a very significant source of the reign of Muhammad-bin-Tughluq and also throws light on the contemporary socio-Political condition of India.


Milan Tomic

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