Tipu Sultan It is wrong to say that Sultan Tipu was a savage, barbarous and cruel fanatic. He was an industrious ruler who himsel...
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जुलाई 2018
Fourth Anglo-Mysore War
Fourth Anglo-Mysore War (1799) Fourth Anglo-Mysore War It has already been pointed out that Sultan Tipu had not forgotten th...

Condition of India in 1798
Condition of India in 1798 When Lord Wellesley come to India as Governor-General, the condition of India was very critical. The Nizam...
Lord Wellesley, Indian Governor General
Lord Wellesley (1798-1805) Lord Wellesley, “the great Pro-Consul”, was appointed the Governor-General of Bengal at the age of 3...

Merits & Demerits of Permanent Settlement of Bengal
Merits & Demerits of Permanent Settlement of Bengal Merits. (1) The state was assured of a certain amount of land revenue fro...
बंगाल का स्थायी निपटान (Permanent Settlement of Bengal)
बंगाल का स्थायी निपटान ( Permanent Settlement of Bengal) (1793) कार्नवालिस की एक और बड़ी उपलब्धि बंगाल , बिहार और उड़ीसा का ...
कॉर्नवॉलिस के न्यायिक सुधार (Judicial Reforms of Cornwallis)
कॉर्नवॉलिस के न्यायिक सुधार ( Judicial Reforms of Cornwallis) लॉर्ड कॉर्नवॉलिस ने बड़ी संख्या में सुधार किए। ये कंपनी की से...
कॉर्नवॉलिस के सुधार (Reforms of Cornwallis)
कॉर्नवॉलिस के सुधार ( Reforms of Cornwallis) Lord Cornwallis लॉर्ड कार्नवालिस ने बड़ी संख्या में सुधार किए। ये कंपनी की सेवा...
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